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Preview — Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

Even bad code can function. But if code isn t clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn t have to be that way.
Noted software expert Robert C. Martin presents a revolutionary paradigm with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. M
Published August 11th 2008 by Prentice Hall (first published January 1st 2007)
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Madison ScottI own it in paperback form but ended up reading most of it from a PDF in the native books app on my iPhone, as it was most convenient for me to read…moreI own it in paperback form but ended up reading most of it from a PDF in the native books app on my iPhone, as it was most convenient for me to read in an electronic format while commuting via the subway. (Note: it was a PDF and NOT an ebook, so I don't know if an ebook would mess with the formatting.) The paperback version was definitely handy for two or three of the later chapters that are each a study in refactoring some package of code. For these chapters, I had post it notes in up to five different places in the book, flipping back and forth between bits of the original code, bits of the refactored code, and the explanation of why the changes were made. If you have access to a printer, you could just print the relevant items for these chapters when it comes time. The PDF is easily found with a quick Google.(less)
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These are rather notes than a review while reading:
1. Use very descriptive names. Be consistent with your names.
2. A function should not do more than one thing.
3. SRP (Single Responsibility Principle): a class or module should have one, and only one, reason to change.
4. Stepdown rule: every function should be followed by those at the next level of abstraction (low, intermediate, advanced).
5. A long descriptive name is better than a short enigmatic name. A long descriptive name is better than a
Aug 25, 2010Francis Fish rated it liked it · review of another edition
The first half of this book is well worth a read. Then I was reminded of Martin Fowler's (I think) comment that the original Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Software book was a response to the limitations of C++. It dovetailed so well into Java because Java has a lot of the same annoying limitations, and in some ways is even harder.
The latter section of the book contains some worked examples that I didn't always agree with because they seemed to be totally over done. A lot of the refactorin
Apr 14, 2011Vladimir rated it really liked it
This book makes some very good points, sometimes taking them to extreme ('Never write functions longer than 15 lines! Never write functions with more than three arguments!'). Some of these points were quite new and useful for me - YMMV. It's too Java-specific in a few places, and reading the last refactoring chapter on a kindle was quite a challenge, but otherwise it was well worth a read. At least I got a clear picture of how I want to refactor a big piece of my current project after reading th..more
Feb 21, 2017Nariman rated it it was amazing
If you are a programmer, you must read it! full of good examples of how to write clean and readable code.
Oct 03, 2008Rod Hilton rated it really liked it
There is a movement brewing in the world of professional software development. This movement is concerned not merely with writing functional, correct code, but also on writing good code. Taking pride in code. This movement is the Software Craftsmanship movement, and one of the people near the head of this movement is Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob.
His book 'Clean Code' is, in many ways, an introduction to the concept of Software Craftsmanship and a guide for developers interested in b
Jan 08, 2009Jerry rated it liked it
I had a tough time deciding between 3 or 4 stars.
The book should be called Clean Java Code. Some of the concepts definitely translate to other languages, but it uses Java for all of the examples and some of the chapters are dedicated to Java-specific issues.
I consider many of the the suggestions to simply be common sense, but I've worked with enough of 'other people's code' to realize they don't necessarily agree. With all of that said, I'd definitely recommend the book to Java developers at th
Oct 03, 2013Carl-eric rated it liked it
Many good points in this book. Unfortunately, almost all of them are overdone. Yes, you should write short functions, if possible. Yes, you should have functions that do one thing.
But no, 'one thing' does not mean you should tear an algorithm apart into twenty little funclets that make no sense on their own.
Basically, like another reviewer wrote, the first part of the book raises many good points, and the second part of the book then merrily applies these points way beyond their usefulness. Read
به نظرم این کتاب برای برنامهنویسان تازه کار خوبه. خیلی از چیزهایی که توش گفته شده رو به شکل تجربی میشه بهشون رسید. من یه فصلش رو که توش یک تکه کد رو ریفکتور میکرد رو چاپ کردم که خط به خط و با دقت بخونم، ببینم زمان ریفکتور چی تو ذهنش میگذره. بعد دیدم چیز خیلی عجیبی نبود و من هم اگه بودم شبیه همین کارها رو میکردم. کلا هم فصل آخرش
(Smells and Heuristics)
رو بخونید خوبه.
به نظرم کتاب ریفکتورینگ آقای فاولر خیلی کتاب باارزشتریه در این زمینه
Feb 07, 2011Kosala Nuwan Perera rated it really liked it
I had a tough time deciding whether I really liked or It was amazing. I liked the writing style of the book. Its simple, clean, and well crafted.
First few chapters of the book makes good practical advice from naming variables-functions-classes to writing functions to testing. Most of the smells and heuristics I found in these chapters can be found in real-world as well.
Complexity kills. It sucks the life out of developers, it makes products difficult to plan, build, and test. - Ray Ozzie, CTO, M
Oct 07, 2013David rated it it was ok
Shelves: software-development, non-fiction, i-have-ebook
This is a book that one could get started on the idea of 'good code' - clean, readable, elegant, simple, easy-to-test, etc. It has the usual stuff that you'd expect - good naming convention, testable code, single responsibility, short classes, short methods - but I feel like it takes them on overdose, going to extremes (IMHO) such as setting short explicit lengths, forbidding certain constructs, and what seems like refactoring for the sake of it.
I'd actually recommend other books like the Pragma
May 29, 2012Erika RS rated it liked it
I wanted to love this book, but instead I just sort of liked it. This book is a member of the extensive genre of books on how to write clean code. It sits alongside books like Code Complete by Steve McConnell[1] and many others. Where Clean Code promised to differentiate itself was in the use of three case studies -- about a third of the book -- showing Martin's code cleanup techniques in action.
However, I was disappointed by that section. As someone who codes and reviews code professionally, t
Jan 04, 2010Craig Vermeer rated it it was amazing
This had lots of good, practical advice that spanned everything from naming to testing to concurrency. A lot of it was pretty Java centric, so I skimmed a few sections.
By far the best portions of the book were the ones where the author demonstrates -- step by step -- his process for writing code test-first, as well as refactoring.
If you get frustrated with either of the two at times, these parts of the book are *fantastic*, because you see that even someone who's been coding for 40+ years (like
I hate to say this, but I wasn't as impressed with this book as I thought I should have been, given its place in the pantheon of programming books.
The first half was excellent, but the second half left me a bit cold. It was too Java-y, and had -- dare I say it -- too much code in it.
However, I still list this as a must read for all developers.
Mar 12, 2011Alex Ott rated it liked it
Nothing new for experienced developer..
Too Java oriented in many places. Code Complete, 2ed is better from my point of view
Mar 22, 2019Fahad Naeem rated it liked it
I started reading it after a lot of recommendations but it wasn't gone up to the standards.
Clean Code is about writing code which is not only understandable to the code him/herself but to the others as well.
Robert Martin mainly used a lot of JAVA code which is not applicable to other languages like Python and JAVASCRIPT. This book should not be this much lengthy and other languages must be covered so that every programmer can benefit from it.
I was looking forward to learn more about refactoring
May 01, 2014Yevgeniy Brikman rated it it was amazing
A good book to read for any coder - perhaps not as thorough as Code Complete but much more effective than Pragmatic Programmer.
This book's biggest strength is that it includes tons of code examples, including some fairly long and in depth ones. Instead of just listing rules or principles of clean code, many of the chapters go through these code examples and iteratively improve them. The rules and principles fall out of this process and the reader is a part of developing them, which is an effect
Writing clean code is what you must do in order to call yourself a professional. There is no reasonable excuse for doing anything less than your best.
'Honesty in small things is not a small thing.'
In code, refactor mercilessly.
The French poet Paul Valery advises us that a poem is never done and bears continual rework, and to stop working on it is abandonment.
Learning to write clean code is hard work. It requires more than just the knowledge of principles and patterns. You must sweat
Jul 26, 2013Luboš rated it really liked it
I should have read this book at the beginning of my career. On the other hand, after 10 years experience I may appreciate it even more. It is sad, that principles described in the book are not yet heavily adopted.
Jan 20, 2011Damith rated it it was amazing
Definitely worth a read .. :-)
This book is #1 on my list of books I'd recommend to other programmers. I don't know how else to elaborate on how important I think the ideas in this book are.

Clean Code Episodes Download Torrent Download

It's a great book. The only reason I give it four stars instead of five is the extremely awkward use of private fields for passing data between functions in the examples.
Kitap genel olarak güzel tavsiyeler veriyor. Okumakta zarar yok, ana fikirler güzel. Lakin 2 puan kırmamda en büyük etken, yazılımda karmaşıklığı çözmeye veya azaltmaya çalışan bir kitapta affedemeyeceğim bir günah olan 'Değişmezlik' ilkesinin atlanması. Kitap bu ilkeye hiç değinmeden hatta aksini teşvik ederek ilerliyor. Dolayısıyla da ne kadar uğraşsanız da sonunda karmaşık bir yazılım elde ediyorsunuz. Örnek ve 'temiz' olduğu iddia edilen kodları okurken sırf bu yüzden zorlandım. Bilmiyorum b..more
Having reignited my love of programming I have dived into learning Unity with an aim to build games. It's purely for my personal enjoyment. Clean Code is written in an accessible, relaxed and conversational style and throws light and insight on every corner of writing, maintaining and refactoring code. Using Java examples the author clearly sets out his manifesto for elegant, well structured, concise and readable code. It feels good to be coding again.
Feb 20, 2018Mohammad Mahdi Ramezanpour rated it really liked it
This is one the best books for programmers and I think every programmer should read it. The only problem this book has is some parts of it is written specifically for Java developers; so, you may want to skip them, if you're not a Java developer.
I was extremely underwhelmed with Clean Code! As other reviewers have noted, this book completely Java-centric and incredibly narrow in its object-oriented focus. Nowhere on the front cover, spine, or back cover is this mentioned at all.
Clean Code also relies heavily on other published works. In the case of Fowler's Refactoring and the 'Gang of Four's Design Patterns, I wasn't too put off by it. These are pretty standard reference books and I have them on my shelf.
But the really irritating ref
You're joking with this productivity vs time. That's old oversimplified thinking. It has some truth, but also it produces fast shortcuts that later lead to blue screens in MS presentations. I probably would always remember them, haha.
No, even more recent, Surface tab crashes on presentation:
Where's you productivity now? This is all shit, because I can create complex website in a few weeks, but then I would need months to fix various bugs (e.g. provide 'support'). I always say those meaningless u
May 25, 2018Gabrielam13 rated it liked it
Nu m-a impresionat atât de mult cărticica pe cât ar fi făcut-o dacă probabil nu aș fi văzut înainte mai multe din video-urile sale și nu aș fi citit 'The Clean Coder'. Deși foarte valoroase și utile, ideile sale reverberează peste tot și o dată ce devii familiar cu ele, nu mai au aceeași lucire de geniu, ci începi să îți dai seama, așa cum și Uncle Bob recunoaște, că sunt parte dintr-o școală. O școală negreșit pionieră care descrie bazele profesionalismului în programare și care, dacă orice pro..more
Aug 09, 2010Nikolay rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I loved and I agree with the clean code values the book embodies.
Also, I loved the slight extremism of the rules: never write a function more than 15 lines, never use more than 3 arguments! Of course I will break those rules. But remembering Uncle Bob's fervor when stating the rules, I will always make sure to have a good reason to break them.
The major drawback is that the book is very Java-centric and the examples didn't prove as practical for me, as they could've been. Abstract classes, interf
Jul 04, 2014Guilherme Ferreira rated it it was amazing
Com este livro pude compreender melhor como organizar código e programar de forma mais legível. O livro trata dos mais diversos assuntos desde testes, funções, exceções, nomes, abstrações e muitos outros tudo isso da ótica da legibilidade de código. Com diversos exemplos práticos de como algumas escolhas ruins podem quebrar princípios básicos da orientação à objeto e se tornarem monstros posteriormente e o mais importante como fazer da forma correta (legível).
O livro também define um conjunto de
Oct 28, 2008Tom rated it liked it
This book is repetitive at times and mentions content already covered in some of the other books in the Robert C. Martin series. I think part of this repetition is due to many of the chapters being authored by different writers, which also occasionally prevents the book from flowing smoothly.
The book is a quick read and raises some interesting arguments on how code should be written. However, if you've read other books in the Robert C. Martin series, you might skip this one. Or if you have the c
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Clean Code Episodes Download Torrent 2017

Com este livro pude compreender melhor como organizar código e programar de forma mais legível. O livro trata dos mais diversos assuntos desde testes, funções, exceções, nomes, abstrações e muitos outros tudo isso da ótica da legibilidade de código. Com diversos exemplos práticos de como algumas escolhas ruins podem quebrar princípios básicos da orientação à objeto e se tornarem monstros posteriormente e o mais importante como fazer da forma correta (legível).
O livro também define um conjunto de
Oct 28, 2008Tom rated it liked it
This book is repetitive at times and mentions content already covered in some of the other books in the Robert C. Martin series. I think part of this repetition is due to many of the chapters being authored by different writers, which also occasionally prevents the book from flowing smoothly.
The book is a quick read and raises some interesting arguments on how code should be written. However, if you've read other books in the Robert C. Martin series, you might skip this one. Or if you have the c
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Robert Cecil Martin, commonly called Uncle Bob, is a software engineer, advocate of Agile development methods, and President of Object Mentor Inc. Martin and his team of software consultants use Object-Oriented Design, Patterns, UML, Agile Methodologies, and eXtreme Programming with worldwide clients.
He was Editor in Chief of the C++ Report from 1996 to 1999. He is a featured speaker at internatio
'Truth can only be found in one place: the code.' — 50 likes
'Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code. ..[Therefore,] making it easy to read makes it easier to write.' — 29 likes
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